Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives


Participant : Eric Fabre.

The DISC Eu project (STREP) officially ended in Dec. 2011, and the final review took place in Feb. 2012. This project was oriented toward the development of supervision and control methods for large systems. Inria was involved in particular for the diagnosis of stochastic systems, and for distributed planning methods. These activities are still going on, with several publications in 2012 and others in preparation. Among the salient facts related to DISC in 2012 were Loig Jezequel's PhD defense (Dec. 2012), and the contribution to 2 chapters of the book “Control of discrete-event systems" seatzu:silva:vanschuppen:2013, to appear in 2013.


Participant : Axel Legay.

  • Title: SyS2SOFT

  • Type: Grand emprunt

  • Defi: Designing for adaptability and evolution in systems of sytems engineering

  • Instrument: Grand emprunt

  • Duration: Juin 2012 - Mai 2015

  • Coordinator: DASSAULT

FP7 Projects


Participant : Axel Legay.

  • Title: Dali


  • Defi: design of a device for assisted living.

  • Instrument: Strep.

  • Duration: November 2011 - October 2014

  • Coordinator: Trento (Italy)


Participant : Axel Legay.

  • Title: DANSE


  • Defi: Designing for adaptability and evolution in systems of sytems engineering

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: November 2011 - October 2014

  • Coordinator: OFFIS (Germany)

  • Abstract: DANSE represents the next step in research about component based design and it is thus central in our research activities. The purpose of this project is the development of a new methodology for the design of Systems of Systems (SoS). SoS are modeled using the UPDM Language. In these settings, Statistical Model Checking is the solution to evaluate the SoS capabilities to ensure some properties. During the first period (Nov. 2011 - Nov. 2012), we and ALES company both worked to interface PLASMA and DESYRE to provide the first statistical model-checker tool for the UPDM modeling framework. PLASMA-DESYRE is available and run under the Eclipse environment. To obtain the first prototype of PLASMA-DESYRE we provide a new release of Plasma. It is specially designed to perform SMC using different simulation engines, by reducing the adaptation effort: it can be connected to DESYRE, SciLab, MatLab, and some simulators dedicated to Bio or Prism languages. We also extended UPDML specification with a new contract language designed to specify some requirements. These requirements are viewed as behavioral objectives that lead the system architect for designing some good strategies of the SoS. These requirements (called contracts) are written in English using some patterns that are simple to handle and have a strong semantics expressed with the Bounded Linear-Temporal-Logic (B-LTL), the property language of PLASMA. This new language is defined using the standard OCL language to define state constraints of the SoS, English temporal patterns that overlay the state constraints to specify some contracts about the behavior of the SoS. It adds the time support that is not initially provided by OCL. These contracts are then compiled into B-LTL formulas and checked by PLASMA-DESYRE, the SoS Statistical Model Checker, against a compiled implementation of the UPDM model. The result estimates the satisfiability of the contract, e.g. the probability that the model satisfies the contract.


Participant : Eric Fabre.

  • Title: Univerself


  • Defi: The Network of the Future

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: September 2010 - August 2013

  • Coordinator: Alcatel Lucent (France)

  • Others partners:

    Universiteit Twente,

    Alcatel Lucent Ireland,

    Alcatel Lucent Deutschland,

    Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (Finland),

    University of Piraeus,

    France Telecom,

    Telecom Italia,

    National University of Athens,

    Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung,

    Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology,

    Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo,

    Thales Communications,


    Nec Europe,

    University of Surrey,

    University College London

    IBBT (Belgium).

  • See also: http://www.univerself-project.eu/

  • Abstract: UniverSelf unites 17 partners with the aim of overcoming the growing management complexity of future networking systems, and to reduce the barriers that complexity and ossification pose to further growth. Univerself has been launched in October 2010 and is scheduled for four years.


Participant : Axel Legay.

  • Title: Sensation


  • Defi: Study of new techniques for energy saving

  • Instrument: Strep.

  • Duration: October 2012 - September 2015

  • Coordinator: Aalborg (Denmark)